Monday, January 20, 2020

Women Era 2020: The rise of women to the zenith

Joy of freedom

The journey from an aspiring Bureaucrat to Technocrat

this post belongs to

journey of life

I would rather say that it’s my fantasy for glory respect and admiration towards bureaucracy that motivated me to aspire for a bureaucrat job, but things don’t favor me or myself doesn’t give a chance to them god knows, I feel a lot of ingredients will influence a person to achieve that milestone.

The study is a skill which needs to be articulated and nurtured right from childhood when I started my preparation to the end of feeling fed up with failures, this continuous process taught me a lot of core principles of life like perseverance, determination, maintaining consistency this is crucial mantra deciding factor a thin line between accomplishment of our goal and memory of lost victory.
How to study a book I read has most of the things where I found the blunders committed that made by me during my preparation days. Failures are eventual and inevitable to any person but a person who learns from those mistakes/flaws will for sure raise to flying colors in one filed are the other If possible make a new mistake but never ever repeat the mistake.
7 reasons Smart and Hardworking still struggle to succeed
  1. You do not easily adapt or are unresponsive to change
Not ready to change is like, preparing very well to face failure .we need to adopt to be adept in life otherwise life compels to compromise on our goals.
“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.”
― @Robert F. Kennedy
Being in a comfort zone might make you happy in the short term but in the long term, it shows it’s the true color. Every aspirant or businessman knows and understands that taking risks is indeed the first step to testing one’s methods, strategies, and plans. As a hardworking individual who is unwilling to take risks, success will seem far-fetched.

BE Fearless

2. You believe your credentials ought to guarantee you success
Credentials will be doomed to shake when success doesn’t meet you, then self-belief and status quo nature of a person will be in a terrible situation facing horrible shocks
3. You doubt yourself and what you can do
Self-doubting is the worst enemy we meet in achieving our true potential. Your hard work in school does not mean you deserve the best but only that you deserve a chance to prove yourself
“Don’t let others tell you what you can’t do. Don’t let the limitations of others limit your vision. If you can remove your self-doubt and believe in yourself, you can achieve what you never thought possible to the fullest.”

Value of Time

4. You do not understand the essence or value of time
Time is money, and if you fail to take this phrase with the seriousness it deserves, you are bound to end up a failure. Time management is one of the crucial skills we need to master to have an edge over others in the competition.

Time and Tide will never wait for none

Procrastination is the evil of all sins generally we commit during our preparation times. Focus on the present time at your disposal, If you start to focus on the future during preparation then you are bound to procrastinate. Success is never guaranteed and you ought to have the desire to push yourself and avoid the temptation of postponing things. Successful people take their tasks seriously and therefore, they will never consider postponing what they are doing.

Think less Do more

6You are bad at taking criticism
Even though you are the most hardworking individual in your task, you will end up a failure if you are not ready to take criticism in a good way. It is essential to remember that not all criticism comes from a bad place. There will be a lot we can learn from criticism rather than applause. It is better to be in touch with sarcastic and pessimistic people when you feel success or accomplishments are getting into your head.
“Don’t pay any attention to what they write about you. Just measure it in inches.”
― Andy Warhol
In conclusion, success is the result of several ingredients. Hard work is essential if a person is trying to become successful. However, it is essential to remember that hard work alone will never guarantee success, Luck has some role but remember, we should be in a position to turn odds to our favor.
feel free to mail me, I will be very happy to help you and in being part of your success journey (little contribution :) ) and if you feel any points came to your mind not present here.let us know by mentioning those in the comments section. :)follow me on srikanthtechie

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Ultimate AWS Security Info,must be aware before you dig it !

Cloud security done right is a solution that answers all these questions, making it an essential component to creating a cloud environment that works for businesses (and customers) around the globe. By providing a scalable and flexible network solution, the cloud enables tremendous opportunities, but it also brings challenges. As a web presence grows, websites need to be prepared with a plan to fend off increasingly complex attacks against web infrastructure, like DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks and Level 7 (application layer) attacks.
What is Cloud Security?
Cloud security provides multiple levels of controls within the network infrastructure to provide continuity and protection for cloud-based assets like websites and web applications. Whether in a public or private cloud, businesses need to balance DDoS protection, high availability, data security, and regulatory compliance in their cloud security provider.
Data protection
AWS provides services that help you protect your data, accounts, and workloads from unauthorized access. AWS data protection services provide encryption and key management and threat detection that continuously monitors and protects your accounts and workloads.

Infrastructure protection
AWS protects web applications by filtering traffic based on rules that you create. For example, you can filter web requests based on IP addresses, HTTP headers, HTTP body, or URI strings, which allows you to block common attack patterns, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting.
Threat detection & continuous monitoring
AWS identifies threats by continuously monitoring the network activity and account behavior within your cloud environment.
Compliance & data privacy
AWS gives you a comprehensive view of your compliance status and continuously monitors your environment using automated compliance checks based on the AWS best practices and industry standards your organization follows.

Identity & access management
AWS Identity Services enable you to securely manage identities, resources, and permissions at scale. With AWS, you have identity services for your workforce and customer-facing applications to get started quickly and manage access to your workloads and applications.
Shared Responsibility Model
In this the responsibility is shared between AWS and Customer limitations were clearly demarcated and it is our responsibility to be foolproof from our side by doing enabling encryption of data, providing role access to developers to specific service needed keeping in mind least privilege principle.

Secure your root account and credentials and never share root account credentials (Access keys ) and use the root account only for monitoring and Billing purpose and for other usage create IAM(Identity and Access Management) Roles and give programmatic access or Console Read-only access depending on the need.
Even though we are giving Role access ensure that we provide Role Credentials with limited privilege (Credentials Expiry ) Restrict long-standing access keys and enable MFA(Multi-Factor Authentication)as mentioned in the security pillar out of 5 pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
Fine-grained access control with analytics
AWS Identity Services enable you to quickly grant the right access, to the right people, at the right time by selecting permissions from a library of AWS managed policies, which you can also copy and create your own custom managed policy. AWS also supports the use of resource tags to define and manage fine-grained highly customizable user permissions. Finally, AWS helps you continuously improve your security posture by analyzing access patterns and identifying unused permissions across all AWS accounts so you can remove unnecessary access quickly and confidently.

AWS Secrets Manager: Easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets through their lifecycle
AWS Firewall Manager: Centrally configure and manage firewall rules across accounts and applications
AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority: Easily and securely manage the lifecycle of your private certificates
AWS Web Application Firewall: It is a web application firewall that helps protect your web applications or APIs against common web exploits that may affect availability, compromise security, or consume excessive resources.
AWS Key Management Service
Keys created within the KMS are protected using Hardware Security Modules. This is an ideal service for organizations that don’t want to manage the underlying infra or software that is required to create and manage encryption keys.
AWS Inspector
This service can be used to test the network accessibility of Amazon EC2 Instances, It can also be used to check the state of security of the underlying applications that run on those instances with this we can also automate security vulnerability assessments throughout your development & deployment systems.
Some Hacks to ensure Security
Create Restrictive Firewall Policies
Monitor Your Instances
Encrypt Sensitive Data
Multi-Factor Authentication
Keep patches up-to-date
Host-Based Intrusion Prevention Systems
Conduct Vulnerability Assessments, Personal Health Dashboard & Trusted Advisor
Enable Guard duty, Cloud trail, Build Automated Notifications connect them to Cloud Watch and SNS
Config Rules helps I detecting anomalies
Some Hacking Tactics often used by Hackers
Malware Injection
Hijacking of accounts
Phishing and Social Engineering Attacks

Penetration Testing
We can do on a maximum of 8 services, without prior approval
like EC2, ELB, RDS, API, and others
Denial of service, DDoS
Simulate DoS, Simulated DDoS
Port Flooding, Protocol Flooding, Request Flooding
Incident Response
Have a plan and Test it
Elements of Incident Response Plan
Roles & Responsibilities
Backup & Restore
Disaster Recovery and Strategies to handle it will be covered in our next article, Please be in touch and if you feel any points came to your mind not present here. let me know by mentioning those in the comments section:)