Since from time immemorial right from Indus valley civilization women were treated with respect and reverence but as time passes matriarchal society changed to patriarchal society
In the Indian context, post early Vedic society, the status of women declined gradually. From 1947 to 2020, Indian women have seen many positive changes. By the nineteenth century was the status of women was at its all-time low. They were denied education, married early, refused a share of their ancestor’s property and suffered inhuman treatment if she became a widow. She was dependent either on her father or brother or husband all through her life.
From the 20th century, there were changes in this aspect of social structure. Social reformers, nationalists, independence of the nation from colonial clutches and the progressive ideology of national movement enabled the nation makers to provide constitutional and legal safeguards for women’s rights.
From the 20th century, there were changes in this aspect of social structure. Social reformers, nationalists, independence of the nation from colonial clutches and the progressive ideology of national movement enabled the nation makers to provide constitutional and legal safeguards for women’s rights.
The present-day urban Indian woman is a role model for her rural counterpart. She is educated, aware of her rights, employed and carries an air of independence. She is no more the same woman who kept her head low and stare still low when she took to the streets. Urban women of this era walk with confidence, look into one’s eyes and says what she wants to say.
They work in all sectors, share the responsibility of running the family with her male counterparts and demand the respect they deserve. Education and employment have been the prime factors behind this change in women’s status in society.

Freedom is the ability to pursue one’s interests without any external constraints. Freedom can mean many things. It can be expressing one’s creative experience in writing or visiting a friend or deciding when to stop working. Women of urban India enjoy such freedoms. It is to be noted that such exercise of freedom requires some enabling factors.

If a woman is dependent on her father or husband for livelihood she may not be able to pursue what she wants freely. Her father or husband may order her not to do anything which he is not comfortable with and she will be forced to accept. So, the first enabling factor for freedom is to have financial independence. This, in turn, implies employment. Good employment which offers a steady source of income requires educational qualifications. So education and employment and the resulting financial independence are the pillars on which women’s freedom rests.
Men can never be a women’s equal in the spirit of self-service with which nature has endowed her.
@Mahatma gandhi
Besides, education and employment have intangible benefits also. They build up a woman’s confidence level, keep her abreast of the settings of society and country, make her aware of her rights.
The contemporary Indian urban woman shows all such characters, though in varying levels. If we look at Indian society, we can see women pursuing divergent professions. There are writers, architects, doctors, artists, activists, software professionals, lawyers, politicians, and entrepreneurs. A close look at the variety and the number of women professionals make us understand that women of modern times pursue lives of their choice. They collect information and take decisions accordingly.
However, these are not the only dimensions of women’s position in society. There are areas of concern as well. Though women have been earning well, it has not translated into the creation of assets in their name. Often her earnings are spent on the welfare of the family and kids. In terms of making decisions, she still asks her male family members. In spite of her improved status, she is sometimes subjected to domestic violence as well. Outside the home, there have been crimes against women in many cities.
Changes always face resistance in any society. Urban women have been positive in tackling these challenges. During the occurrence of sexual violence against a young woman in New Delhi, they staged demonstrations, asked for amendments in the Criminal laws and achieved it. They took the support of like-minded men as well. Such acts of expressing their concerns boldly, putting pressure on the political system for legitimate claims, displaying courage are welcome. They act as inspiring moments for many women who still look for emancipation.
Changes always face resistance in any society. Urban women have been positive in tackling these challenges. During the occurrence of sexual violence against a young woman in New Delhi, they staged demonstrations, asked for amendments in the Criminal laws and achieved it. They took the support of like-minded men as well. Such acts of expressing their concerns boldly, putting pressure on the political system for legitimate claims, displaying courage are welcome. They act as inspiring moments for many women who still look for emancipation.
Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong.it’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength@Anderson
The nature of our society has been patriarchal through centuries. The improvements in women’s position in the past decades naturally will bring resistance from such a male-dominated society. The few areas of concern like violence, independent decision making, and long term financial security will also be addressed with time. For that to happen, the urban woman should continue to continue to confide in herself, assert herself boldly and use education, employment and the resulting financial independence in her pursuit for happiness.

Men attitudinal issues suffer women Before we bring about institutional and structural reforms we need to bring about attitudinal reforms. Empowered women all over the world are leading ecstatic positions who crossed mental barriers and social bottlenecks and laid a strong mark on society, given motivation and aspirations for the future generation.
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