Thursday, January 9, 2020

AWS Certifed Solution Architect Associate: Do you know this

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Becoming an AWS Solution Architect Associate Certified, you’re demonstrating that you possess the skills and technical knowledge necessary for designing, deploying, and operating applications and infrastructure on AWS. The AWS certification exam related validates technical skills and experience in designing distributed applications and systems on the AWS platform.
Certification gives you respect like a badge and it opens doors for you. From my personal experience, being certified opens a great venew of new opportunities. Have a look at the AWS Certification road map.

WhitePapers and FAQ’s of relevant services (mentioned below have patience) need to be covered, First, have a free tire account and explore the services relevant for the exam, Divide your time 60% Handson and 40% can create a free tier with AWS for one year and use it to enhance your skill if you exceed free tier limits don't worry, watch AWS builders online series knowledge will surge up and you get 25$ as credit which can be redeemed in your AWS Account.

Try to cover theory early morning and do hands-on service by service , Maintain a short note of key facts for last-minute revision this will help a lot at the end.
Believe in yourself, Have confidence because confidence is the key to cracking this exam, Be practical and systematic in preparation never do procrastination in preparation why because you are preparing for success and not preparing to fail.
I took Whizlabs mock exams and Udemy video course done hands-on by parallelly watching Udemy Ryan Kroonenburg Stéphane Maarek and then gave the topic wise exam in Whizlabs, Read whitepapers top to bottom and highlighted main points and made short notes for which I feel I may forget used it for last-minute revision. Take the AWS exam readiness course and attend free training have a look at sample questions paper.
Have a look at the five pillars of Well-Architectured Framework and mentioned below also
Overview of AWS
Overview of storage options
Overview of the security process
Defining fault-tolerant applications in AWS Cloud
The architecture of AWS Cloud
Read faqs of EC2, S3, IAM, Cloud Watch, Vpc, Sqs, Rds, Load Balancer, Auto Scaling, EBS.

you are supposed to know basic info of services and specific focus on the above-mentioned services.
Exam day
Do not overstress yourself by thinking much about exam result, as it would not give you the peace of mind required before the exam
when you have peace of mind you will have the presence of mind and with that success will follow, Be aware of it
Visit the examination center a day before the exam, to avoid any last-minute delays as sometimes locations are incorrectly marked on the GPS apps
Have a good sleep with light food before going to the exam, Get your biological clock tuned to your AWS exam timings— especially for the people who study at night.
Do not read any new study material or books. Concentrate on the revision of content you have been preparing to date
Keep the mind in a calm state because recollection and analysis plays a crucial role in clearing the exam
No pen/pencil is needed and posses 2 original id cards to exam preferably passport and pan card
Use elimination technique wisely and look for the wrong option out of the given rather than the right one, there is no negative marking so make use of it
Certain questions we will be in dilemma while answering, so keep then mark for review and allocate the last 20min for those questions.

If you find this useful and need any clarification
feel free to mail me, I will be very happy to help you and in being part of your success journey (little contribution :) ) and if you feel any points came to your mind not present here.let us know by mentioning those in the comments section. :)

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